This page is designed to share updates with friends and family concerning Kathleen Davey's ongoing struggle to overcome the debilitating effects she suffers from due to a cardiac arrest. Kathleen and her family appreciate your support.

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Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas

Kathleen made it through two grueling days of present opening :) with her family and friends. Thanks to everyone who gave so generously this year. Kathleen then went to her first film in a movie theater in almost two years (since Love Actually Jan 04). The family went and saw The Lion the Witch and the Wardobe together (which is a favorite and frequently read book of hers) and despite the need to exit a few times for suctioning, Kathleen seemed entranced by the second half of the movie.

For those trying to contact Kathleen to wish her well, please now use her regular email address:

Merry Christmas to Kathleen, Mike, and girls and all of Kathleen's loved ones! Here's to a 2006 that adds even more improvements and happy updates to those that took place in 2005! :)

I know I tend to see the world through rose-colored glasses sometimes, but any other lens is too dark for me (to extend the metaphor). Anyway, I have been, and will continue, hoping and praying for Kathleen's recovery.

Shari in San Jose  


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