This page is designed to share updates with friends and family concerning Kathleen Davey's ongoing struggle to overcome the debilitating effects she suffers from due to a cardiac arrest. Kathleen and her family appreciate your support.

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Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Kathleen had a good day in preparation for her birthday tomorrow. She had a great shower during which she cooed her approval, spent some time in the backyard sunbathing and went for a walk. She moved her eyes frequently to sounds and direction today also.

Promising drug actually creates new brain cells.

Happy Birthday Kathleen for tomorrow - we are all so hoping for your recovery - Lots of Love, Laura  


Happy Birthday Kathleen! I hope you have a wonderful day! One more step closer to recovery.
God is good .... all the time.  


Happy Birthday, Kathleen (Bean)!! May God bless you and your family with many, many blessings during this upcoming year!

Praying for you daily...


Happy Birthday! I hope it is a sweet day to begin a hopeful year full of love.  


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