This page is designed to share updates with friends and family concerning Kathleen Davey's ongoing struggle to overcome the debilitating effects she suffers from due to a cardiac arrest. Kathleen and her family appreciate your support.

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Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Kathleen continues in good health. Samie had part of her cold pool party in the backyard last Saturday. Unfortunately, Kathleen seems to be left out of family functions and visits more and more often. Its so hard to know if she registers anything after years of effort on our (and certainly her) part. The girls seem to need to move on now and rarely visit. I do not force the issue as I do not want to build resentment. I know Kathleen would understand and wish the best for the girls. Last week was a hard one as Mike attended the funeral of a good friend of Kathleen and the girls. Rich fought bravely against cancer and will be missed. Michelle and Lucy are in our whole family's thoughts

OMG!! it has to be SO hard to make those decisions -- my continued love and hope for you all!



Mike, Sammie and Rachel,

Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. As you know we life right down the street from you and keep you close to our hearts.

With Love, Jim & Kathy Oliver  


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