This page is designed to share updates with friends and family concerning Kathleen Davey's ongoing struggle to overcome the debilitating effects she suffers from due to a cardiac arrest. Kathleen and her family appreciate your support.

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Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day
The girls were busy nearly all day with sporting events but got to see their mom and deliver presents in the afternoon. Rachie and Samie read poems to her and then went swimming in the back yard to relax.

purgiHello MIke, girls and Kathleen, JUst dropping in to say hi and to let ya'll know that you remain in our prayers. I am glad that Kathleen is staying healthy. I hope the girls have a fun summer planned. I do not know why we are where we are, but I do know that God is still guiding our lives. God is good ... all the time.
Charlene/Jeffrey's mom  


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