This page is designed to share updates with friends and family concerning Kathleen Davey's ongoing struggle to overcome the debilitating effects she suffers from due to a cardiac arrest. Kathleen and her family appreciate your support.

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Saturday, June 22, 2013
Kathleen Davey, the mother of my two daughters and the woman who helped shape the person I've become passed away at 9:25pm last night. She was someone who my daughters and I loved truly and we will miss intensely. Our family has been fortunate to have the tremendous support of so many in our community and we'd like to thank you for helping us these past ten years. I am beyond blessed to have the opportunity for a second great love in my life and with her support our family will overcome our pain. If you would like to show support for my daughters or Kathleen, please donate to the Global Ischemia Foundation to help others with brain injuries.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Kathleen is really struggling and appears to be losing her battle. The family and friends have been coming by to say their final goodbyes. Thanks to everyone who supported Kathleen and her family all of these years. We hope she will go to a better place.
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Kathleen is still under 24hr care and her daughters continue to grow older and mature. Samie graduated from middle school and will attend high school on Monday and Rachel is in middle school. Kathleen is still visited frequently and has wonderful caregivers who love her very much.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Six years today. No changes in Kathleen this past year but big changes in the girls and my lives. Its been a long road getting to this place. Thanks to everyone for your support.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I've been asked why I haven't been updating this site as frequently. The answer is that though my family and I can never forget Kathleen and appreciate the support my family and I received, we need to live our lives in the present rather than the past. Its hard for me to come to this blog and view the videos and a life which I now seem removed from. I will always love Kathleen, but I now love someone new and have a responsibility and the desire to focus on her and the well being of my daughters. I know Kathleen would not only understand, but would long ago have encouraged me to have done so.
Kathleen is doing fine after a recent bout with the flu as is Samie who got an even more virulent flu.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Kathleen had a bit of cake for her birthday and Rachel and Mike came to visit her for dinner. Samie was away for a backpacking trip muck like her mother did when she was younger.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Kathleen has a family reunion this weekend which she will not attend. Hopefully she will receive some visits from family members and in some fashion feel their love on the way to Hollister.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Samie has experienced a really tough few months. The loss of our close friend monster rich followed by her 11 year old friend Alexis were very difficult. For a time she retreated into melancholy but recently seems to have emerged and wrote this beautiful poem for Alexis:
I remember when we used to play,
Each and every sun-filled day.
With a smile, sweet as honey,
You: as animated as a bunny.
You would laugh as we would run
And we would have so much fun.

Just yesterday, we were playing ball;
Our big, bad Griggins won it all.
Then, Magic came along,
And without you days seemed so long.
The sky began to gray.
Alexis, please don't fade away.

I will search for someone as sweet as you.
An impossible task; unrealistic, too.
As I look up to the big blue sky
I wish that I could fly,
And once more see you today
To give softball one last play.

~ Samie Davey
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mother's Day
The girls were busy nearly all day with sporting events but got to see their mom and deliver presents in the afternoon. Rachie and Samie read poems to her and then went swimming in the back yard to relax.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Kathleen continues in good health. Samie had part of her cold pool party in the backyard last Saturday. Unfortunately, Kathleen seems to be left out of family functions and visits more and more often. Its so hard to know if she registers anything after years of effort on our (and certainly her) part. The girls seem to need to move on now and rarely visit. I do not force the issue as I do not want to build resentment. I know Kathleen would understand and wish the best for the girls. Last week was a hard one as Mike attended the funeral of a good friend of Kathleen and the girls. Rich fought bravely against cancer and will be missed. Michelle and Lucy are in our whole family's thoughts
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Mike and the kids went to see a very close friend, Rich, and his family last weekend. Fighting through cancer Rich was still lucid, brave, and funny. We received the horrible news last night. Rich will be missed. I think I can imagine what Michelle is going through right now. It is so unfair. Michelle and Lucy are in our thoughts.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
No new news on Kathleen. The girls and Mike went over to watch the last Stanford game with her and she is getting frequent visits from her mom and getting out about town more often nowadays.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Congratulations to President Obama who opened up stem cell research to all types. Now lets get some more funding. Kathleen is doing fine and enjoying going out places on the weekend.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Kathleen had a little trouble over the weekend with a slight fever and she felt ill but is doing better now. She doubtlessly enjoyed the sleepover by her daughters.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Samie says, "Dad its not an anniversary... call it something else." 5 Years. Sadness. The rest of us are learning to rebuild.

Girls are back from the Inauguration. What a treat for them to witness history in frigid DC.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Kathleen went to church and the farmer's market Sunday morning. It was a beautiful day.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Happy New Year! Kathleen has been remarkably healthy this winter so far. We are hoping that continues. The girls are enjoying a brief respite from their athletic endeavors but aren't exactly thrilled to be back in school.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Kathleen got a visit from her sick daughters who had to stand by the door and later a long visit from her sister, brother-in-law and nieces and nephews. Together they watched part of the polar express and really enjoyed the time together. Kathleen is well but status quo with this time last year. Though she isn't physically well, we are certainly hopeful that she is spiritually as well as can be.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Kathleen is doing fine. Nothing new of note to report.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Kathleen came over and had dinner across the street with the girls. It was a wonderful, low stress day with family and close friends. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Kathleen has been fairly healthy since her bout with sickness earlier, but has been throwing up more than normal.
Friday, November 21, 2008
The girls had a great time "staying over" last Friday with mommy for a sleepover. Maria, the caregiver took good care of the girls and they kissed mommy goodnight sweetly.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Kathleen has been sick. She has been on oxygen off and on and coughing quite often.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
More of Kathleen's Life
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Letters pleading for help with similar situations continue to trickle in years after Kathleen's traumatic event. I feel powerless to help for the most part as there still isnt a solution and stem cell help seems even further away. Just feeling a bit melancholy tonight.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Very soon, Mike and the girls will be moving across the street. It was a long and agonizing journey to get to this point, but I think it is the right choice. Kathleen will stay in our current house and continue to receive the excellent one on one care she has been given. The move across the street will give the girls and I some semblance of normalcy (and they will get to visit their mom often, and on their terms).
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Nothing new to report. Kathleen continues to maintain the status quo and the girls are involved with multiple sports and activities during the weeekend and school during the week.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Another anniversary passes (16th) without change or hope. Perhaps in another lifetime.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Mike and the girls returned from a wonderful 2 week trip to Costa Rica and gave mommy a big hug and a present. The girls had a great time (other than Rachel breaking her arm) and returned filled with stories to tell there friends about. Thanks to those who came to visit Kathleen while we were away.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The girls returned from BC where their former nanny, Trish, married Sean Denison in a beautiful ceremony in Nelson. Unexpectedly the girls were flower girls and performed their duties admirably.

Kathleen had a minor scare when her feeding tube popped out but the caregiver and her mom were able to put it back in. Kathleen seems fine now.
Page Visits since 7/15/05